Whether your smoke alarm runs on a battery or electricity, there are times when it will malfunction. It is what is responsible for the intermittent beeping sound that you hear. The noise is irritating, especially if you think you have the solution, but it doesn’t seem to work.
3 in 5 home fire casualties are a direct result of a broken or inactive smoke alarm. Therefore making sure yours is working is a necessity. The sooner you resolve the beeping, the sooner you know your smoke alarm will be up and running again. Here are the eight possible reasons why your smoke alarm is beeping:
1. Low Battery
If you have a battery-powered smoke detector, a low battery is the most likely reason it is beeping. It is also quickly resolved. Simply replace the battery. Smoke alarms typically run on standard 9V or AA batteries found in most supermarkets or hardware stores. Once you have changed the battery, you must test the alarm to ensure it is working again.
2. Obstructed Battery Terminal
You have tried replacing the battery, and it has not resolved the issue. In that case, it could be an obstruction in the battery terminal. Dust and small insects can get stuck inside the terminal, preventing the battery from fully connecting to the detector. To avoid this, ensure that the terminal is clean when changing batteries.
3. Battery Pull Tab Still In Place
Smoke alarms come fitted with a pull-tab in the battery terminal. To fully activate your alarm, this tab needs to be put back in place so the battery can connect to the detector.
If you have recently changed your battery and the alarm is still beeping, it is unlikely to be a fault. Remove the case and check to see if the pull tab is in place, resolving the issue.
4. Battery Drawer Still Open
When replacing the battery of your smoke alarm, it is common to leave the battery drawer open. In which case, your alarm will continue to beep. This issue is also easily resolved. Simply close the battery drawer, and the detector should be in full working order.
5. Another Device
If you have exhausted every option, yet you can still hear a beeping noise, then it may not be your smoke alarm that is the issue. We always recommend checking your smoke detector. However, there are other devices in your home that could need your attention.
Carbon monoxide detectors also beep when they are broken or need replacement batteries. These are equally as important as smoke detectors for ensuring your safety at home. If this is the issue, you should aim to resolve this as soon as possible.
6. Temperature Fluctuations
The surrounding environment and changes in temperatures inside your house can also factor in your smoke alarm beeping. It occurs if your alarm is installed in an attic or near an external door, cold temperatures or draughts can make the detector too cold to emit electrical charge.
7. Electrical Fault
If you live in a house built within the last ten years, your smoke alarms are more likely to be hardwired to your mains electricity. It is becoming increasingly common because it makes them more reliable. You no longer have to worry about changing the battery.
However, a smoke detector wired on an electrical breaker line can disrupt the power, which will disconnect your alarm. The alarm will beep if this happens, and you will need to check your circuit board to restore the electricity. Once turned on, you will need to test the alarm to make sure it is working.
8. Broken
Smoke alarms are designed to last approximately ten years. However, this does not prevent them from becoming damaged or eventually needing to be replaced. If this is the case, then time is of the essence when finding a replacement, as you are without proper fire prevention for your home.
We recommend that you check all of your smoke alarms monthly to ensure they are all working correctly. If you have any questions about your home’s fire safety, please contact us for further information.
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